Hermann Wilhelm Prell Violin Bow Markneukirchen c.1900
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This bow was made by Hermann Wilhelm Prell in Markneukirchen. Hermann Prell is a well-respected German bow-maker, with an extensive background with some of the most influential makers of the turn of the century, including Eugène Sartory and Albert Nurnberger. The impact these figures had on his making is extensive, and the attention to quality and consistency is well noted in much of Prell's work. He established his own workshop in Markneukirchen in 1898, joining the extensive history of German makers there.
This violin bow is stamped "Herm. W. Prell" and weighs 56.5 grams. It has a round stick of pernambuco, measuring 74.4cm with a whalebone lapping and a leather grip. The frog is of ebony, and it has been mounted with silver, with a Parisian eye and a silver button. It is in good condition and sold with a certificate of authenticity from Pierre Guillaume.
It has a notably light stick, which lends itself well to the flexibility and springiness in its action, being exceptionally well suited for players with a quick and lively playing style. It doesn't lack any strength or core in its sound however, having a solid grip of the string that allows each note to be caught and well-prepared before playing. Spiccato and sautillé are very comfortable and require little energy to sustain. This bow is best suited to tertiary or professional players, especially in chamber or orchestral playing.
Please contact us if you would like to book an appointment to try this beautiful German bow.